The God Empowered Wife: How Strong Women Can Help Their Husbands Become Godly Leaders


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“Dear God, please change my husband!” This book is written to help strong women understand how they can be a godly influence their husband’s lives, without sacrificing their strength, creativity, or wisdom. The author, a certified biblical counselor, teaches and speaks on practical applications of biblical principles in honest yet bold, new ways. As one pastor-reviewer wrote, “This is not just another marriage book. I see this struggle so often in marriages – but I’ve never had a great resource to put into the woman’s hand. This is NOT a basic marriage book. This is also not a book that is pushing the old ‘shut up and submit and just serve your husband concept. You’re going to want to get this book…read it…and get copies to give away to others.” Readers write: “It feels like you’ve been in my living room, watching our marriage!” “Wow–liberating!” “I thought at one point it was actually my own diary!” (“The God Empowered Wife” is also available in Spanish as, “La Esposa en el Poder de Dios”)

Additional information

Weight 0.73 lbs
Dimensions 9.06 × 5.98 × 0.53 in


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